Episode of local specialties

A yellowtail is one of Nagasaki prefectural fishes.  Natsuka yellowtail is a farm-grown fish with the fruits and skins of Hirado Natsuka added in their food.  An approach to add such citrons to the food is getting more attention because it has an effect of slowing the change of meat color down or reducing a fishy smell.

A yellowtail is one of Nagasaki prefectural fishes.  Natsuka yellowtail is a farm-grown fish with the fruits and skins of Hirado Natsuka added in their food.  An approach to add such citrons to the food is getting more attention because it has an effect of slowing the change of meat color down or reducing a fishy smell.



A fishy smell is reduced and you can sense slight citrus smell and mild sweetness.

You can eat it all including bony parts, a head, a part above the gill and sashimi.

You can eat it all including bony parts, a head, a part above the gill and sashimi.